Saturday, October 14, 2023

American Poets 2099 Presents: Know The Names by Pro The Laader | Nova-Kane


Last week we started with the foundations of AP2099 as Pro dropped his trilogy under the name The Professional.

Won't be right to leave out another building block of AP2099, Nova Kane and Pro The Leader under AP2099 Presents Know The Names. Both artists have released a slew of Internet albums and mixtapes in the 2006 if not earlier and they released this album in 2009 which was an intro to the American Poets 2099 movement which will be fully unleashed on BSOM with full discography.

The album is fully produced by Semantix Tha Sorcera and features American Poets 2099 member The Holocaust as well as Timbo King, C-Rayz Walz, Solomon Childs, NLZ, Makeba Mooncycle & more.

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