Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Orenda by Mickey O'Brien


The fourth and final single from Mickey O'Brien's Orebody, "Orenda" refers to a mystical force present in all people that allows them to influence the world or change their own fate or destiny. The Nickel City MC writes about the emotion of shock/amazement and how everything he's gone through in his life has shaped him into the man he is today and that it's okay to be proud of his accomplishments. The chorus is sung by Will Himsl, a long-time friend of Mickey's and frontman of the band Harvey King and The Grindstone. Backed by a symphony of funk and jazz courtesy of Fresh Kils, with sax by Anthony Rinaldi, keys by Zachary Clement and scratches by DJ Versatile. "Orenda" takes you on a journey of victory and triumph.

The video, shot by Dan Jardine at Kensington Market and favorite watering hole Ronnie's Local, is the third act of a three-part series in which two women, representing good and evil in the rapper's life, help him find a balance between the two in the world.

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