Wednesday, July 24, 2024

TOXIC MASCULINITY by DJ Pocket and Eddie Meeks


Toxic Masculinity is a term used to describe a version of masculinity that is unhealthy for men and boys, and harmful to those around them. It's a set of social guidelines and attitudes that are often associated with manliness, but can have negative impacts on society, women, and men in general. The term is meant to highlight the worst aspects of stereotypically masculine traits, such as:
violence, dominance, emotional illiteracy, sexual entitlement, hostility to femininity, toughness, anti-femininity, and power.
The term toxic masculinity is a complete FARCE! The term "Toxic Masculinity" came from 2 Caucasian men, Shepherd Bliss & Robert J. Stoller. Masculinity is a problem in and of itself because it is a condition where you will fight back...which is the number one thing they never wanted. Where there are masculine men, there are safer environments!
And on that note, DJ POCKET and EDDIE MEEKS give you their audible version of "TOXIC MASCULINITY".

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