Friday, September 27, 2024

Ballade M​é​tallique by Hemo x Krimophonik


Well, here they are again, Hemo and Krimophonik, after shaking up the scene with "Le Zèle d'Icare" in 2021 and having slapped everyone in the face with the EP "Cheval 23" in 2024. And now, they're back with "Ballade Métallique." Honestly, what more can we say? In this EP, Hemo and Krimophonik continue to prove that they have mastered the art of mixing genres. Raw sounds, sharp electric guitar sands, beatless tracks, Boom bap of which they have the secret... everything is there to remind us that they know what they're doing. We recognize their style from the first notes, and that's what makes them strong. "Ballade Métallique" is a dive into a sound universe where influences collide and mix to give birth to something truly unique. It's heavy, it's powerful, and it doesn't compromise. If you were looking for originality, you're going to be served. So yes, we can say that it's another masterstroke for Hemo and Krimophonik. They continue to carve their path in the shadows, but with this project, they shed a raw and intense light on their art. A big thank you to you who buy this vinyl and support their work. Thanks to you, they continue to offer us these sonic gems. With cynicism and admiration, A jaded rap critic

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