Monday, September 23, 2024

In the Day of the Night by L.I.F.E. Long, Noam Chopski


This is a Culture Power45 Cassette Tape Exclusive with Never Released Tracks 
Two different countries with two different time zones and walks of life, almost like a parallel universe or a multiverse of sorts. "In the Day of the Night" represents what happens during the day extends into the night, as well as the idea that what happens in the dark is always exposed in the light. The two perfect individuals to tell the tale of dark and night, and light and day, are veteran emcee L.I.F.E. Long from New York and producer Noam Chopski from The Netherlands. Together, they create a musical masterpiece, balancing each other well with Noam's range of dark to light melodies complementing L.I.F.E.'s witty wordplay, intricate lyricism, and creative concepts. L.I.F.E. Long crafts a unique world with his vivid storytelling and imaginative themes, drawing listeners into a captivating auditory experience.
The album features stellar performances from key heavyweights in the indie hip-hop scene. The cassette format contains 12 core tracks with 2 bonus cuts. Each medium (digital,vinyl, and CD releases) will include unique bonus material. These differences among mediums are reflected in each medium's artwork, which is drawn by the incredibly gifted Chop the Head, who perfectly captured the world L.I.F.E. Long and Noam Chopski created.
The digital ,C.d. & Vinyl album is now available on Cocoonmovements This album is sure to be a masterpiece that will have you vibing all day and night!!

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