Friday, September 6, 2024

Sketches by The Visionaries


Visionaries "Sketches" is a collection of songs that we recorded sometime between our first song release "Visionaries (Stop Actin Scary)" on Key-Kool & Rhettmatic "Kozmonautz" in 1995, and our first album release "Galleries" in 1997, (except "Give & Take" recorded between "Sophomore Jinx" & "Pangaea"). These tracks were recorded on a Vestax 6 Track as well as our first ADAT machines in Carson, Ca at our original "Bomb Shelter", or at our 2nd studio & 3rd studios just a few doors down on 223rd Street and around the corner on Willmington Avenue. As artists, we record, move on, and often forget about things we created but sometimes they come back around to be rediscovered. We hope you enjoy!!!

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