Saturday, September 7, 2024

The War In Wardrobe by Wordburglar


"CROSS-STITCH had a promising career in military engineering, designing state-of-the-art battle armor and defense systems for the Army until he was dishonorably discharged for multiple Article 15 uniform offenses. Turns out his C.O. didn’t like neon purple boots.
With his dreams of re-imagining the military color palette shattered, CROSS-STITCH followed his passion for fashion into theatrical costume design. When THE ENEMY found him, he was a disgruntled Broadway costume designer who had been fired after a mysterious pyro-technical wardrobe malfunction burned down an entire Theatre – during a sold-out Saturday Matinee.
Blacklisted from the theatre community, CROSS-STITCH found work in New York City’s criminal underworld, quickly becoming notorious for creating elaborate, bullet-proof costumes and disguises for gangs that were as terrifying as they were functional.
CROSS-STITCH possesses the rare skill of being able to engineer state-of-the art combat ready uniforms that can equally inspire terror – all with a theatrical flair. This talent brought him to the attention of THE ENEMY COMMANDER, who himself was fond of lavish, theatrical paramilitary garb.
Knowing the value of theatrics as a form of intimidation in war, CROSS-STITCH found lucrative and extensive work with THE ENEMY creating terrifying and out-of-the-ordinary battledress uniforms for legions of the globe’s most evil terrorists. Finding something they all can agree on is no small feat, and something CROSS-STITCH savours." 

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